The cast of Pynelogs' murder mystery night on October 20 and 21.

The cast of Pynelogs' murder mystery night on October 20 and 21.

Exciting murder mystery event at Pynelogs

Hold on to your Sherlock Holmes hats, residents of the Columbia Valley.

Hold on to your Sherlock Holmes hats, residents of the Columbia Valley, because you are in for an exciting night full of twists and turns and Sultans and Sheikhs as CV Arts prepares to host a murder mystery dinner at Pynelogs Cultural Centre on October 20 and 21.

The event has been in the works since September, and is the brainchild of seasoned mystery writer, Juanita Rose Violini of, a local murder mystery event company that produces original material for each unique event. Violini will also be directing the dramatic performance, which includes local cast members Deanna Berrington, who will play Nadia of the Night, Cam Berry as the Sultan of Haberdashery, Tony Berryman as the Sheikh of Shazam, James Lazarus as the Sheikh of Shyster, Judy Smith as Samira of the Sunset and the Arabian Mountain Spice Belly Dancers as The Harem.

The story revolves around a fictional genie who must be enticed from the legendary Midnight Genie Bottle. The bottle, which has been in the news recently, is said to be from Iran, and the genie who dwells within will only emerge if the right person engages in the correct type of dance on a specific night. If successful, the genie will offer three wishes to whoever succeeds, but there will be stiff competition between all of the characters involved. This is where the fun begins!

Fairmont-based From Scratch — A Mountain Kitchen will be providing the delicious dinner, and attendees will try their hand at solving a mystery that evolves in front of their eyes in live, dramatic fashion.

Tickets for Midnight at the Oasis are limited. Remember to wear a costume that fits the theme for your chance to win a fabulous door prize. Tickets for the event cost $55 and are available at The Book Bar and Pynelogs Cultural Centre. Admission to this special event also requires the donation of a garage sale item, preferably something shiny. For more information on the event, or to purchase a ticket over the phone, call 250-342-4423.








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