Exhibit celebrates poetry of the psalms

Lucy Adams’ work on display at the Fort Gallery Oct. 1-19

The wonderful  poetry of the psalms continues to capture the imagination of artist Lucy Adams.

Her show, Ancient Poetry Clothed in Majesty, beginning Oct. 1 at the Fort Gallery, is a continuation of a theme begun last year and is part of a much larger work which she hopes to complete eventually with the publication of a photo book of the project.

The challenge again was to put visual language to the multi-layered ideas expressed in the poetry, this year choosing to focus on positive and joyous emotions.

The work includes a variety of mediums and include some unusual new works painted on glass and mirror as well as new works on canvas using acrylics or oils.

“I continue to be enthralled, at times overwhelmed by the density and beauty found in this ancient poetry, still so loved  4,000 years after it was written,” said Adams.

The show will run until Oct. 19, with an opening reception  on Saturday, Oct. 4 from 1 p.m. 4 p.m.

The Fort Gallery is open Wednesday through Sunday, (closed Mondays and Tuesdays) from noon, to 5 p.m. Lucy will be at the gallery from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the first two weekends  of the show (Oct. 4, 5 and Oct. 11, 12) to meet and greet the public and discuss the work or answer questions.

The Fort Gallery is located at 9048 Glover Rd.

Call 604-888-7411 for more info.

Langley Times