Fall events at the Grist Mill

Second Plein Air event
September 23 at the Grist Mill

Loraine Stephanson offers some tips to artists  at the July 15, 2012 plein air painting workshop at the Keremeos Grist Mill and Gardens.   A second plein air happens Sunday, September 23.

Loraine Stephanson offers some tips to artists at the July 15, 2012 plein air painting workshop at the Keremeos Grist Mill and Gardens. A second plein air happens Sunday, September 23.


In response to requests from artists attending this past July’s  plein air painting workshop given  at The Keremeos Grist Mill, another is scheduled for Sunday, September 23.

Loraine Stephanson of Penticton, will bring her knowledge and experience to bear for participants in the day long event.

Stephanson holds a Masters Degree in Fine Arts from the University of Alberta, with theses in painting and art history. The Tumbleweed Gallery in Penticton represents her work locally.

“ We all appreciate Loraine’s warmth and helpful attitude toward all the work at hand”, said Dave Cursons of The Grist Mill Heritage Club.

Whether a beginner or an experienced painter wishing to refresh your skills, come keep company with others for the day, learn through on-site experience, tips and gentle critique.

Through the day, artists will do a series of drawing exercises in sketchbooks, exploring thumbnail sketches, composition, proportion, value, theme, series, (and light and shadow if the sun is shining.)

Take instruction if you’re a beginner or more experienced and wanting to refresh your skills.   A printed handout of sketchbook basics will be provided for participants.

Registration is limited. The cost is $25.  Here is a participant supply list for the workshop.

What to bring:

–  A small, hard-cover sketchbook  approx. 5 x 7”, 6 x 8” , 4 x 5” or whatever you can find.  (You’ll work with it on your knee, hence the hard cover . . . )

– A couple of waterproof black ink pens such as Micron # 5

– If you don’t like pen, use charcoal, conte, etc. For soft pencils: bring a sharpener

– Something to add color to your drawings, such as watercolors . . . or watercolor pencils, pencil crayons, oil-sticks or whatever you like to use.

– Folding chair

– Small folding table – this is optional – you can also put your materials on the ground beside you.  Garage sale TV trays work great.

– water (to drink)

– your lunch

– sun hat/protection

Note: Any brand of sketchbook is fine.  Moleskine Sketchbooks are great for ink but don’t work when adding watercolors.  If you are a Moleskine fan, and want to color your drawings with watercolors or other water-based media, use a Moleskine Watercolor Notebook.

Be prepared for warm or cool weather.

Advance registration is recommended.   Be sure and bring a lunch. Some light refreshments may be available at the Grist Mill Tea Room.

Proceeds from the event go to the local Grist Mill Heritage Club whose goal is to preserve the heritage treasure of the 1877 water driven flourmill on Keremeos Creek.

Contact Dave Cursons at 250-499-5417 for pre-registration and further details.




“Not Your Run of The Mill Quilt Show”  September 16.

This Sunday, September 16 the Keremeos Grist Mill and Gardens will be festooned with colorful quilts on exhibit to mill site visitors for “Not Your Run of The Mill Quilts Show” from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.  Inquiries, call 250-499-2888.

Annual Apple Day Sunday, October 7

Musicians and Entertainers will be welcome to an open mike in celebration of Apple Day on Thanksgiving weekend.

This is the last weekend the mill will be open to visitors for the 2012 Season.

Apple Day will include special exhibits, interactive presentations, contests and prizes.

The Keremeos Grist Mill and Gardens are at 2691 Upper Bench Road in Keremeos.

The mill site, gardens and interpretive presentations are on view from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. every day through to the Thanksgiving Weekend.

Daily admission at The Keremeos Grist Mill and Gardens is Adults $6, Students and Seniors $5, under 5,  Free Admission.


The Keremeos Grist Mill and Gardens is one of 11 historic sites operated on very meager budgets so the admission charge to visitors is essential to site maintenance and improvement.



Keremeos Review