Ian Warren, owner of the Arts Cafe in Parksville, holds a portrait of his late father, also named Ian Warren. The two men are finally doing a joint photography show, titled “Harry & George: Here & There,” at the cafe until Nov. 15. A majority of the photographs are for sale via silent auction, and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Canadian Cancer Society.

Ian Warren, owner of the Arts Cafe in Parksville, holds a portrait of his late father, also named Ian Warren. The two men are finally doing a joint photography show, titled “Harry & George: Here & There,” at the cafe until Nov. 15. A majority of the photographs are for sale via silent auction, and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Canadian Cancer Society.

Father-son travels displayed in pictures at Arts Cafe

Show runs until Nov. 15 at Arts Cafe on Harrison Ave. in Parksville to support the Canadian Cancer Society

If you’re looking for some new artwork to hang on your wall, why not help out a good cause while you’re at it?

You’ll currently find your opportunity to do just that at Parksville’s Arts Cafe. Here, photography show titled “Harry & George: Here & There” is running now until Nov. 15. The exhibit features photographs taken by Arts Cafe’s owner Ian Warren and his late father, also named Ian Warren.

“I rediscovered all these prints during a move and felt it was long overdue for us to do a joint show,” said Warren.

The prints showcase places the Warrens lived over the years. Both men spent time in Canada, England and Australia, and now Warren continues to travel.

All but three of the 16 original photos on display are part of a silent auction, which runs through to the end of the show. The bid sheets are located on the side of the beverage fridge.

A portion of the net profits from this show will go to the Canadian Cancer Society, said Warren, whose father passed away in 1988 from cancer. “We’re doing it as a tribute to him,” he said.

The three photographs not for sale are originals by Warren Sr. “They’re just fantastic prints,” said Warren, who will keep the photos for sentimental reasons.

However, he also said prints of these images can be created and sold upon request.

Photography was a love the two men shared. “He (my father) had a darkroom and he spent a lot of time there, and I spent a lot of time with him,” said Warren.

As for the name of the show, “Harry & George,” it too has a family connection. Since Warren and his father had the same first name, calling out “Ian” led to a lot of confusion. So, the family started to call Warren Sr. by his middle name, Harry.

“George isn’t my middle name, but ‘Harry and George’ had a ring to it,” said Warren.


To view the photographs and place your bid, visit Arts Cafe at 147 Harrison Ave. in Parksville. Winners of the silent auction will be contacted after Nov. 15.

Parksville Qualicum Beach News