Elias Stump (left) plays William and Trinity Stump (right)  plays Shayl in a scene from Clouds of Autumn by Trevor Mack.

Elias Stump (left) plays William and Trinity Stump (right) plays Shayl in a scene from Clouds of Autumn by Trevor Mack.

Film club hosts Cariboo Chilcotin Film Fest Friday

The Cariboo Chilcotin Film Fest will open the second part of the Williams Lake Film Club season this Friday, Jan. 8.

The Cariboo Chilcotin Film Fest will open the second part of the Williams Lake Film Club season this Friday, Jan. 8.

Four local films will be screened at the Gibraltar Room starting at 7 p.m. All four films were written and directed by local filmmakers.

We have incredible talent in our area and we are very proud to be able to show you some of their work.

The film club events are normally on Tuesdays but for this time only we will screen the films on a Friday so that as many people as possible from out of town will be able to attend the event.

After greetings from Mayor Walt Cobb and Yunesit’in Chief  Russell Myers-Ross we will begin the screening with a short film written, directed, and acted by Oliver Berger and Morgan Day of Williams Lake.

Mount Timothy, (12 minutes) is part of their project to showcase lesser known B.C. ski resorts. They do their work for their love of skiing and snow boarding, and not for profit.

Clouds of Autumn, (15 minutes) was filmed at the Tl’etinqox-t’in (Anaham) Reserve. This is the ImagineNATIVE Award-winning new short film by Trevor Mack and he will be present to introduce his film.

This is the much awaited first showing of Trevor’s new film in Williams Lake.

His films have been shown to much acclaim in Canada and the U.S.

Portage the Legend was filmed on and around Quesnel Lake. This 22-minute film was written and directed by Colin Labelle and Wesley Gregg of Quesnel.

Colin lives in Williams Lake, is very involved in the canoeing scene, and he will be present to introduce their film.

My Legacy (festival version) was written and directed by Helen Haig-Brown. This 60-minute film will be the first time that the festival version will be shown in Williams Lake.

Helen also won an ImagineNATIVE Film Festival Award for her film. This will the first time that two Tsilhqot’in films, Clouds of Autumn and My Legacy, both winning ImagineNATIVE Film Festival Awards, will be screened the same evening in a Canadian city.

Helen’s films have also been shown at the Berlin International Film Festival, at Sundance, and recently she had been invited by the Smithsonian Institute in New Mexico.

Maria Myers, Helen Haig-Brown’s mother and a major actor in her film, will be present to introduce My Legacy.

Refreshments will be served following the screening. At that time you will be able to talk to the filmmakers, ask your questions, and maybe even take a photo of them or have one taken with them.

Like all evenings from the Williams Lake Film Club, this is another fundraiser.

Our funds are used to support the Williams Lake Chapter of the LDA, the Association for Students with Learning Disabilities for one-on-one tutoring.

There is a great need for this and with your help we are able to alleviate some of this need. Thank you!

Doors to the Gibraltar Room open at 6:30 p.m.

Admission is $10, $8 for film club members (please have your cards ready) and $6 for seniors/elders (65+) and for students, TRU and secondary school.

Williams Lake Tribune