The film club is bringing in the film I AM by Tom Shadyac on Tuesday.

The film club is bringing in the film I AM by Tom Shadyac on Tuesday.

Film club screens I AM Tuesday

First of all I would like to thank the people who had asked me to bring this film to our club.

First of all I would like to thank the people who had asked me to bring this film to our club.

You were so right. And now I am happy to say that the next film the Williams Lake Film Club will be screening this coming Tuesday, April 3, is I AM, a documentary by the American director/writer Tom Shadyac.

It will be shown at the Gibraltar Room at 7 p.m., Back doors open at 6:30 p.m.

Tom Shadyac is a person we probably least expect to make such a film, a documentary at that.

He was the youngest writer ever to work for Bob Hope. He then advanced and worked with Jim Carrey and Eddy Murphy, directing and writing such well-known films as Liar Liar, Ace Ventura, Bruce Almighty, and he made an insane amount of money doing this, enough to afford a 17,000 square-foot home and many toys.

He had it made; he lived a life of fame and greed.

And then the unthinkable happened.

He had a very serious accident riding his bicycle and incurred some very serious injuries, especially to his head.

After months of trying to recuperate he started asking some different questions, not only how do I get better, but: “What’s wrong with our world?” and “What can we do about it?”

With a team of four and his equipment he set out to ask these two questions of some of the great minds of our times, including authors, poets, teachers, religious leaders, and scientists, all actually searching somehow for the fundamental endemic problem that causes all of the other problems.

Some of these great minds are: Dr. Noam Chomsky, Desmond Tutu, David Suzuki, Howard Zinn, Lynn McTaggart, and many others, even his own father.

From the beginning to the end the film is fast paced, beautifully photographed in many, even exotic, locations. The settings are simple or elaborate, the language is clear and to the point, and Shadyac is great as the seeker.

He really wants to know, and so do you. You can hardly wait for his next question and the next answer.

There he is, in his scuffed sneakers, jeans and sweat shirt, the obligatory toque on his frizzled hair, his eyes shining with curiosity and passion, and his totally disarming smile. When he comes to the end, you want to jump up and shout, this is so right, this is the answer: I AM.

OK, you get the point, I really like the film — and I really would like you to see it. It is such a positive trip.


Get on board. Be there next Tuesday! That is April 3!



Williams Lake Tribune