The award-winning comedy “Tel Aviv on Fire” by Sameh Zoabi screens at The Clay. (Courtesy Cohen Media Group)

The award-winning comedy “Tel Aviv on Fire” by Sameh Zoabi screens at The Clay. (Courtesy Cohen Media Group)

Film tackles Israeli-Palestinian conflict through farce

Tel Aviv on Fire to play in Vernon

Israel / Palestine, today. Salam, a charming 30-year-old Palestinian living in Jerusalem, works as a trainee on the Palestinian popular soap opera Tel Aviv on Fire, produced in Ramallah.

Every day, to reach the TV studios, Salam has to go through a rather difficult Israeli checkpoint.

There, he meets the commander of the checkpoint, Assi, whose wife is a big fan of the soap opera.

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In order to please him, Assi puts pressure on Salam to change the end of the show.

Salam quickly realizes that Assi’s ideas could help him be promoted to a screenwriter.

Salam’s creative career is suddenly boiling, until Assi and the soap opera producers and financiers disagree on how it should end. Stuck between an army colonel and Arab support, Salam can solve his problems with a final master stroke.

Tel Aviv on Fire screens at 5:15 p.m. and 7:45 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 2, at the Galaxy Cinemas. Tickets are available one week in advance at the Bean Scene for $8. Cash only. Not Yet Rated.

— Contributed

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