Final Thursday jazz night of the season

Regular Thursday night jazz series concludes this week with an eighth annual closing performance by Jennifer Scott and Rene Worst.

Regular Thursday night jazz series concludes this week with an eighth annual closing performance by Jennifer Scott and Rene Worst.

This special concert has its origins in the Vancouver Olympics in 2010 when we received a request from this great Canadian jazz duo: could they play a Thursday night concert, because they wanted to escape from the madness of Vancouver? The result was one of the most memorable jazz evenings, where they played “for the hat” before a packed house. It was so successful that they made repeat appearances during the last six years – each time to a capacity audience.

Jennifer and Rene are back at their request for a another year. We’re honoured to share this relationship with them, and to host them on our stage once more at 7:30 p.m.

Scott is a singer and pianist born in Vancouver. She specializes in jazz, blues, and world music, and is considered one of the more important jazz artists working in Canada and the United States today.

As well as being a superb performer, Scott arranges and writes jazz and pop tunes, with several CDs containing a combination of original tunes, tunes she has arranged, and more traditional tunes. She has also appeared on many CBC recordings and has worked with many other musicians both live and in studio.

Worst has been a professional bassist since 1971. His virtuosic bass playing has been a Canadian treasure for many years on both acoustic and electric basses. He is as gifted on fretless as he is on acoustic – a rarity in the industry. Worst was educated both in Canada and the U.S.

He is one of the founding members of the noted fusion band “Skywalk” and has anchored and produced six recordings with them. Worst is also a highly-regarded producer.

In some of the previous years, the duo have been joined by guest artists. This year we’re being treated to their exclusive duet.

Their music is always smooth, romantic and each performance is memorable.

For more information about forthcoming events, please visit or follow us on Facebook.

Regular Thursday night jazz at The Avalanche Bar will recommence in September, but please note that Georgia Straight Jazz Society and Anderton Therapeutic Garden Society are again jointly sponsoring three Sunday afternoon concerts this summer in Anderton Gardens.

In closing this final piece for the regular 2014-15 season, the Jazz Society thanks the twenty five or so dedicated volunteers, plus those several hundred people who pushed our season’s attendance to new peaks, and the array of local, regional and international jazz artists who made it all possible.

And last but not least, to The Avalanche management and staff, and Yiamas staff who have made us so welcome and comfortable throughout the year.

Comox Valley Record