Final week of CYMC music camp features three concerts

The Comox Valley Youth Music Centre (CYMC) is into its third and final week of music camp.

The Comox Valley Youth Music Centre (CYMC) is into its third and final week of music camp.

The Instrumental Program finished with back-to-back performances of the festival chamber orchestra and choir, including a first-ever concert at the Fanny Bay Hall.

“The Fiddler on the Roof” starts tonight at the Sid Williams Theatre and promises to be another entertaining and moving performance.

And amidst all of this excitement, 20 young jazz musicians have arrived for a week-long immersion into New Orleans jazz.

Dan Craven and his faculty (Kelby Macnayr, Ben Henriques, Jen Hodge, Brooke Maxwell, Blaine Dunaway, Jeff Drummond, John Capon and Dave Stewart) will lead them in master classes, improvisation, combos and big band. Special guest, multi-instrumentalist Connor Stewart, will give a workshop on Wednesday afternoon and then play a set at the faculty concert in the evening.

Concert starts at 7:30 p.m. at the Stan Hagen Theatre with tickets ($15) at the door.

A favourite of the students is the coffee shop jam; this year it will be at the Gatehouse Gallery & Coffeeclairs in Cumberland, Friday 7-9 p.m. An audience enhances the student experience so please come on out for cool music and great desserts. Wrapping up the week will be the Big Band & Combo Student Concert at Simms Millennium Park in Courtenay. It starts at 7:30 p.m. and chairs will be set out.

Just bring a donation and some good weather. For more information, call the office at 250-338-7463 or visit the website at

Comox Valley Record