Sarod player Daniel Stark and electric cellist Bill Boyd perform at the Caetani Art Market held at the Caetani Cultural Centre last month. This month’s market takes place Saturday.

Sarod player Daniel Stark and electric cellist Bill Boyd perform at the Caetani Art Market held at the Caetani Cultural Centre last month. This month’s market takes place Saturday.

Find your “qi” in nature at Saturday’s Caetani Art Market

The trees are green with foliage providing shaded areas for the studio artists who are busy getting ready for the next Caetani Art Market.

The trees are green with foliage providing shaded areas for the studio artists who are busy getting ready for the next Caetani Art Market.

Open Saturday, the market will once again be held in the gardens and grounds of the Ceatani Cultural Centre (former home to late artist Sveva Caeatni.)

The theme of this market is nature’s elements, said Caetani centre executive director Judy Katalinic.

“The artists at the Caetani Centre are all passionate about the environment and that often comes across in their work, which is why we decided to give our July market the natures elements theme,” said Katalinic.

The outdoor market will feature talented local artists such as potter Laurel Fredin, who will be setting up shop on the front deck of the house, and landscape painter Terry Greenhough.

Photographer Christine Kashuba will be displaying stunning images of the Vernon area on stretched canvas alongside Sheila Campbell, who works with mixed media.

Feng Shui master Theresa Hwang is a special guest at the market and will be giving three talks on the art, starting with an introduction to Feng Shui (wind-water) at  11 a.m.

“Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice that works with the flow of these natural elements that move everywhere on earth,” said Hwang. “The essence of these life-giving forces is qi, or life force, and the art of Feng Shui is about designing environments in harmony with the flow of qi to maximize good health and prosperity.”

Hwang’s second talk at 1 p.m. will focus on Ming Gua, or personal energy field, concluding at 3 p.m. with tips on Feng Shui design for your home and garden to achieve balance and harmony.

Kids will be enthralled with children’s entertainer Kiki the Eco Elf, who will be there with many songs about the environment, to capture their interest of the Earth and nature.

“Kids will love Kiki’s face painting depicting animals and nature’s elements and find her passion about the environment infectious,” said Katalinic.

Other studio artists partaking in the market include Mereille Gourlay, who works in the Joan Heriot studio, blending bamboo fibre with merino wool and silk to create luxurious hand-felted wearable art.

Visitors can also meet the Caetani centre’s artist-in-residence James Postill, who is currently working with milk paint and natural pigments to create a weather durable fresco finish to the centre’s Straw Bale studio.

Four other artists will join Gourlay and Postill to open their studios for the art market.

Caetani resident and artist Ryan Robson is mounting an All Arts On Deck exhibition on the front deck of the house that will feature works by all of the Caetani artists, including sculptor Sandra DeVries and painters David Goodliffe, Colleen Couves and Angela Broad.

“Music will drift through the courtyard café and around the grounds to complete a fun and relaxing experience among nature’s elements in the Caetani gardens,” said Katalinic.

The Caetani Art Market takes place Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Caetani Cultural Centre is located at 3401 Pleasant Valley Rd., Vernon, More information on the event can be found at or the Caetani Facebook page.



Vernon Morning Star