Finding Bigfoot

Animal Planet show wants to hear your squatchy story for an upcoming taping in the Fraser Valley

Does Bigfoot call British Columbia home? The team from Animal Planet’s hit show “Finding Bigfoot”; Matt Moneymaker, Cliff Barackman, James “Bobo” Fay and Ranae Holland; are coming to British Columbia to hear the stories, evaluate the evidence and continue their hunt for the mysterious Sasquatch.

They are looking for help with their investigation.  Have YOU had an encounter you can’t explain? Sightings? Tracks? Strange noises?  The show wants to hear about it.

Email your squatchy story to and you could be invited to attend a nearby Finding Bigfoot town hall meeting to share your encounter with the team. You might even be chosen to have your experience recreated on the program!

This is a FREE event but space is limited and you must RSVP to in order to be added to the guest list.  Tickets are given on a first come – first served basis. Please be sure to include your full name, the number of people in your party and whether or not you will be sharing a story with our cast.

The Finding Bigfoot town hall meeting will happen Thursday, May 28 at a location to be determined somewhere in the Fraser Valley Regional District.

Agassiz Observer