Molly Thomason opens the Collective Soul concert at the Port Theatre Tuesday (April 1).

Molly Thomason opens the Collective Soul concert at the Port Theatre Tuesday (April 1).

Finding place to play no longer a problem

NANAIMO – Molly Thomason opens for Collective Soul at the Port Theatre on April 1. Show begins at 7:30 p.m.

For years, Nova Scotian Molly Thomason struggled for performance opportunities.

“For a really long time it was hard for me to play anywhere because it was such a hassle to get the paperwork done and people didn’t want to go through that,” Thomason said.

The Antigonish, N.S. singer/songwriter was often rejected by venues because of Nova Scotia’s legal drinking age, which is currently set at 19.

“Venues, they just want to get somebody of age in and not have to deal with that,” Thomason said.

Thomason, now 19 and no longer worrying about rejection from venues in Canada because of her age, will be in Nanaimo to open for Collective Soul on Tuesday (April 1) at the Port Theatre.

Thomason has been surrounded by music and art since she was a little girl. Both of her parents are actors and her uncle was her music teacher in elementary school. Thomason recalled the moment she realized that wanted to be a recording artist.

“When I was younger my dad was putting on a show – he’s a theatre director – and he was putting on a tribute to Bob Dylan to raise money for the theatre and I remember all of us singing You Ain’t Going No Where and the whole audience was singing along with us and everyone was standing up clapping,” Thomason said. “I remember looking around and thinking at that point, that is what I wanted to do.”

Thomason moved to Toronto a couple of years ago to study at the University of Toronto, however after three months she decided to drop out and pursue music.

In February, she released her latest record, Columbus Field. The album was produced by John-Angus MacDonald of The Trews and features him on guitar.

“I think Columbus Field is a lot more of a rock record and that’s what I am going for,” Thomason said. “It’s definitely got more of a focus on the guitar sound. I think it is just more of a decided album. I think my other albums kind of had a little bit of everything and that was me trying things out and not being too worried about digging into a genre.”

One of the main themes that Thomason wants to communicate through her work is the idea of being young, happy and enjoying life.

“I think a big thing for me is taking away a message of being happy and being kind to people and enjoying your time that you have here and helping people enjoy theirs.”

The show begins at 7:30 p.m.

Nanaimo News Bulletin