Carrie Kendall’s Dinner for Eight, 2013 Best in Show winner at the Ladysmith Multi-Media Show.

Carrie Kendall’s Dinner for Eight, 2013 Best in Show winner at the Ladysmith Multi-Media Show.

Fine Arts Show opening Feb. 6

This will be the first time the show will be held in the newly expanded gallery and gift shop

Sherry BezansonFor the chronicle

Multi-media translates into multi-talented for the Sixth Biennial Ladysmith Fine Arts Show at the Waterfront Gallery.

This will be the first time the show will be held in the newly expanded gallery and gift shop, with access improved due to the newly installed elevator. So even more people will be able to view one of the artistic highlights of Vancouver Island’s calendar.

Formerly known as the Multi-Media Show, this juried exhibit will still feature a range of talents from all over Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands. Included in the mix will be: two-dimensional works, three-dimensional works, and photo/digital works.

“The prizes are substantial, the judges are professional, the competition is energizing and the results always surprising,” said LAC President Kathy Holmes.

Up to 150 unique pieces will be accepted for the show. Best in Exhibition wins the top prize of $1,000; first in each category takes home $500; second $250; and third, $100. As well there will be a People’s Choice award.

The show challenges artists to bring their best quality work to the gallery; the 2013 Best in Show winner was Carrie Kendall for her Dinner for Eight (see photo).

“The Fine Arts Show is a measure of artists against other artists and against themselves in their category”, notes Holmes.

Many local businesses and organizations are supporting this year’s show, including the Ladysmith & District Credit Union and the Fraternal Order of Eagles Ladies Division.

‘Robust’ numbers of entries were submitted in all categories by the Jan. 15 deadline. “This is proving to be a great exhibition of what artists are creating on Vancouver Island,” Holmes said.

The prizes will be awarded at the opening night reception, Feb. 6, at the Ladysmith Waterfront Gallery (there will be appetizers in the studio room). Make sure you mark this event on your calendar as it is expected to be a full-house.

The Show is open from noon to 4 p.m. until Feb. 27, at the Waterfront Gallery, 610 Oyster Bay Drive, Ladysmith.

More information at



Ladysmith Chronicle