Alexander Browne and his Aristocrats will play for Sources Women's Place Nov. 15 at 7 p.m. at the Royal Canadian Legion Crescent Branch 240.

Alexander Browne and his Aristocrats will play for Sources Women's Place Nov. 15 at 7 p.m. at the Royal Canadian Legion Crescent Branch 240.

Flapper-style fundraiser to benefit Sources Women’s Place in South Surrey

Alexander Browne and his Aristocrats to play music of the Roaring `20s and Flirty `30s

A “flapper-style” dance party benefiting Sources Women’s Place Resource Centre is set to get underway Nov. 15.

The fundraiser, to be held at the Royal Canadian Legion Crescent Branch 240 (2643 128 St.), will feature original sounds of the “roaring ’20s and flirty ’30s” courtesy of Alexander Browne and his Aristocrats.

Browne, a longtime Peace Arch News reporter, has put together an eight-piece orchestra of all-star talent skilled at distilling the authentic atmosphere of the Prohibition era from genuine orchestrations of the time, in some cases even using original period instruments.

“There’s a jaunty lift and an elegant devil-may-care atmosphere to all the music of this period – even as the gilded ’20s slipped into the darker days of the Depression,” Browne said.

“It provides the perfect time machine, allowing us to indulge our fantasies of New York and London and Paris in the `20s and early `30s; a magical soundtrack full of echoes of the Boardwalk Empire-Great Gatsby-Downton Abbey era, from the Charleston to the beginnings of Swing.

“The Aristocrats and I are delighted to bring this music to local audiences and fans who have wondered when we would play an affordable public event in our home town again – and we’re thrilled that proceeds will benefit Women’s Place, which has been a favourite cause of ours over the years.”

Sources Women’s Place director Denise Darrell said the event is not only a chance to have fun ‘Art Deco-style’ but also to show support for “essential services provided to women in crisis because of violence in their lives, and/or living in poverty.”

“We are working to maintain a safe place for women to make healthy changes in their lives and build a future free from violence and poverty,” she said.

“We are providing more ‘basic needs’ assistance to women than ever before. Funds raised at the dance will go toward the hot lunch program, provided on a drop-in basis for women and their children – for some this is the only healthy meal they will have all day.”

Tickets are $20, available in advance at the Legion, and at the door, or can be reserved by calling 604-833-6156 (after 6 p.m.) or by emailing


Peace Arch News