Katie Vogt (left), Shelby McCauley, Garrett Shepherd, Shayla Muir, Damen Shepherd, Madison Biddulph, Stephanie Dunlop and Jordan Ragan in a scene from The Maranatha Christian School production of The Floating Princess.

Katie Vogt (left), Shelby McCauley, Garrett Shepherd, Shayla Muir, Damen Shepherd, Madison Biddulph, Stephanie Dunlop and Jordan Ragan in a scene from The Maranatha Christian School production of The Floating Princess.

Floating Princess on the stage next week

Maranatha Christian School's production of The Floating Princess opens next week.

The Maranatha Christian School production of The Floating Princess opens Thursday, Dec. 5.Directed by Becky Strickland this production is a musical spoof in the land of fairytales. The musical will be on stage at the Maranatha Christian School Dec. 5, 6 and 7 and Dec. 12 and 13 starting at 7 p.m.On Dec. 14 at 1 p.m. and for an evening performance at 8 p.m. Tickets are available at Wise Owl Toys.

Williams Lake Tribune