Folk women hone in on Shuswap

Twin Peaks is not the show you might first think about when hearing the name.

Girl Power: Twin Peaks Naomi Shore (left) and Lindsay Pratt are performing at It’s Handmade, Oct. 27.

Girl Power: Twin Peaks Naomi Shore (left) and Lindsay Pratt are performing at It’s Handmade, Oct. 27.

Twin Peaks is not the show you might first think about when hearing the name.

In this case, it doesn’t come from the surreal TV crime series directed by David Lynch and starring Kyle MacLachlan as a coffee and pie loving FBI agent.

Instead, this Twin Peaks is Lindsay Pratt and Naomi Shore, two folk musicians from Fort St. John who are bringing their edgy folk-roots to It’s Handmade, Oct. 27.

Doors open at 6 p.m., show starts at 7. Advance tickets are $20 or at the door for $25 and are available through or at It’s Handmade and Acorn Music.

“We both have pretty big boobs. We joked around with ‘breast friends’ and ‘titty toons’ (for band names),” laughed Shore.

The duo started off as each other’s competition in their small hometown.

“We ran in different circles. I was a rebellious nightmare and Lindsay was in musical theatre,” said Shore.

The pair was brought together by a mutual friend and when Shore invited Pratt to a Tom Petty concert, they clicked.

Their first gig was in Valleyview, Alta. at Shore’s cousin’s wedding.

“We had a sister harmony and I thought ‘OK let’s do this,’” said Shore.

Shore, 27, describes a Twin Peaks performance as “sweet little harmonies in between crude humour.”

They share their sense of humour with artists such as Corin Raymond and Winona Wilde, whom Shore looks up to for their honesty in their lyrics.

“As a songwriter, to be successful, you have to have that vulnerability and honesty. Talking is part of the charm; the story behind a song is huge,” she said.

Being able to laugh at yourself is another big part of the band.

Pratt, 29, typically writes the lyrics, but lately Shore has been expanding to include some of her own.

“We usually write together. I’ll bring Lindsay a chord progression and she adds the lyrics,” said Shore.

She recently got out of a nine-year relationship, and says she has sad songs to counterbalance Pratt’s upbeat ones.

“Between 12 to 4 a.m. and if I’m alone with a bottle of wine under my belt, I can write some sad stuff.”

Lately, the band has taken on a pop tone, with Shore playing piano.

In the winter months, the duo goes into hiding in Fort St. John, writing lyrics. Shore teaches piano lessons and Pratt is finishing her social work degree in Prince George.

In July, they collaborated on an EP called Peace River with Fort St. John musician Jody Peck, aka Miss Quincy, and Jodie Ponto in order to bring awareness to the threat of the Site C dam on the Peace River.

The artists recorded the EP live on the river and it was the first time Twin Peaks voiced an opinion politically, using their music to bring awareness to the issue.

For more tour dates visit or visit their Facebook page @Music.TwinPeaks.


Salmon Arm Observer