Footloose musical in Burns Lake

Theatre at LDSS produces one big musical or play every year as well as a number of smaller plays.

If you’re of a certain age the upcoming production of Footloose at the Lakes District Secondary School (LDSS) will probably remind you that you still can’t dance, even though you swore you’d learn how after watching Kevin Bacon drop the slickest moves not ever seen on your high school gym dance floor.

The Jan. [date] production has been in the works since early October, 2012.  Over 50 actors, dancers and singers have been practising every day for the show.

“It’s three classes combined,” said Rayanne Charlie, drama teacher at LDSS.

Theatre at LDSS produces one big musical or play every year as well as a number of smaller plays.

“There’s lots of excitement around the theatre program,” she said.  “The kids have come a long way, and we’re always in the midst of training new ones.  It’s a joy.”


Burns Lake Lakes District News