Hush (inset) is a novel by former Comox Valley resident Janice (Jay) Lang.

Hush (inset) is a novel by former Comox Valley resident Janice (Jay) Lang.

Former Comox Valley resident returning to promote her novels

Janice Lang has been away from the Comox Valley for a while.

Janice Lang has been away from the Comox Valley for a while.

She moved to the Lower Mainland to attend university.

She’s still a student, but she’s also a published author, and she’s returning to the Comox Valley, promoting her first novel.

Hush is a thriller, surrounding a family drama on a “beautiful little island.”

Lang, who writes under the pen name Jay Lang, said the motivation for her novel was two-fold.

“I am a huge fan of thrillers which prompted me to write a novel in this genre,” she wrote, in an online bio page. “I love including LGBTQ2 characters in my stories, as I feel that there is not enough available fiction that includes the LGBTQ2 community.”

Lang will be at Coles Books in the Driftwood Mall, Courtenay, on Feb. 23 from noon to 2 p.m. for a book signing.

Comox Valley Record