Amy Martin, as Anne Shirley, and Douglas Crockett, as Matthew, star in Four Seasons Musical Theatre's production of Anne of Green Gables, starting tonight (May 23) at the Isabelle Reader Theatre in Langford.

Amy Martin, as Anne Shirley, and Douglas Crockett, as Matthew, star in Four Seasons Musical Theatre's production of Anne of Green Gables, starting tonight (May 23) at the Isabelle Reader Theatre in Langford.

Four Seasons presents Anne of Green Gables in Langford

Family friendly Canadian classic musical celebrates 50th year

Greater Victoria’s own Four Season’s Musical Theatre won the coveted opportunity to put on Anne of Green Gables to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the musical production which runs annually in Charlottetown, PEI.

The regional theatre company kicks off its run of Lucy Maud Montgomery’s family friendly Canadian classic musical tonight (May 23) at the Isabelle Reader Theatre in Spencer middle school in Langford.

The title role of Anne Shirley is being played by Amy Martin, a grade 11 student from Esquimalt High.

“This is the role I have wanted ever since I started acting and singing,” she says. “I’m so fortune to be acting alongside Ethan Otto, who plays Gilbert, Jo Barnes in the role of Marilla, and Douglas Crockett as loveable, kind Matthew, as well as other members of an amazing cast.”

After a series of auditions, the cast was selected and local talent have been hard at work creating sets, learning lines, developing their vocal chords.

Opening night showtime is 7 p.m., with subsequent evening performances May 25 and 31. Weekend matinees play tomorrow (May 24), May 31 and June 1 at 2 p.m. Visit to purchase tickets online, or you can buy them at the door.

Victoria News