Fraser Valley Symphony paints musical pictures

Winter concert at Matsqui Centennial Auditorium will be an “audio” stroll through a gallery of paintings

The Fraser Valley Symphony presents “Pictures of …” a winter concert featuring winners of the Young Artists Solo Competition on Sunday.

This concert will be an “audio” stroll through a gallery of paintings, featuring Mussorgsky’s vibrant portrayals of art works in Pictures at an Exhibition.

Violinist Chloe Kim will play the first movement of the Sibelius’ Concerto in D minor.  She began violin studies at age four and over the years has won numerous scholarships and awards including the Fraser Valley Kiwanis Festival, the Chilliwack Lions Club Festival, the Coquitlam District Music Festival. Last spring, she was took first place in the Senior Strings Category at the Performing Arts B.C. competition.

Playing the first movement of Beethoven’s Piano concerto No. 1 in C Major will be Abigail Takenaka, a pianist who began playing at the age of five. Currently completing her fifth year of study with Dr. Betty Suderman, she also has six years of violin lessons with Dr. Calvin Dyck.

Rounding out the program will be the Merry Wives of Windsor overture by Nicolai.

Founded in 1984, the Fraser Valley Symphony is the premier community orchestra of the Fraser Valley Region. The symphony features two Maple Ridge musicians: Leanne Drewlo on violin and Susannah Blary on horn.


“Pictures of …” plays Sunday Jan. 26.  the Matsqui Centennial Auditorium, 32315 South Fraser Way in Abbotsford at 3 p.m.  Doors open at 2:30 pm. Tickets: $ 16 adults; $ 13 seniors and students; $6 children. Info: or call 1-604-859-3877 (FVSS).

Maple Ridge News