Gage highlights temporal landmarks

Gage Gallery welcomes the works of artist Arlene Nesbitt and sculptor Kent Laforme this month

Gage Gallery brings Temporal Landmarks to Oak Bay Avenue through the works of artist Arlene Nesbitt and sculptor Kent Laforme this month.

Nesbitt and Laforme focus on surreal imagery and studies in stone as their temporal landmarks. In Nesbitt’s work, dream imagery materializes in the context of recognizable landscapes, evoking questions about why the abstract forms are there and what they mean. Her art combines representational and abstract layers into “water colour and mixed media landscapes from my life’s travels with experiential landmarks appearing as discarded and unrecognizable material.”

For Laforme, creating landscapes or seascapes in stone has been a recurring theme since the early ‘90s. His ongoing series Stone Oceans, for example, captures the ebb and flow of water in sculpted stone. His last exhibit Altissimo uses everyday fabrics like T‐shirts and pillowcases to represent landscapes as related to the human body and to the mountains from which the sculpted marble was sourced. The Black Stone series, which will be on display at the GAGE, explores psychological landscapes as temporal landmarks.

Temporal Landmarks opens at The Gage Gallery Nov. 21, with a reception from 7 to 9 p.m. There will also be an artists’ talk Nov. 27 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. The gallery is open from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday at 2031 Oak Bay Ave.



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