Kit Pearson plays the dog bowl (that’s right, a dog bowl) with the Monterey Centre Concert Band. (Linda Foubister photo)

Kit Pearson plays the dog bowl (that’s right, a dog bowl) with the Monterey Centre Concert Band. (Linda Foubister photo)

Gallery: Monterey celebrates generations of jazz

Annual We Jam concert raises funds for artsREACH

Music lovers enjoyed a buffet and an evening of multi-generational music at Monterey Jan. 27.

The annual We Jam! An Evening of Music event featured the Monterey Concert Band and the U-JAM Young All Stars, combining performances by teens and musicians over 50 years. The U-JAM Young All Stars program, offers young musicians the opportunity to expand their knowledge of jazz and participate in small ensembles.

Partial proceeds benefited the artsREACH Society, a Victoria-based charity which aims to ensure all children have the opportunity to develop life skills by exploring their potential through arts experiences. The organization provides all materials and instruction in workshops at no charge in Greater Victoria public elementary schools and community centres. ArtsREACH provides drawing, painting, printmaking, theatre, dance and film workshops. Since 2005, more than 22,000 children have participated in one of over 1,500 workshops.


Oak Bay News