Gallery offers workshops

The Nanaimo Art Gallery offers a series of workshops this spring for beginner and experienced artists to explore their skills.

Paul Fudge hosts a six-week series on how to look at and appreciate art. The classes will also help participants develop their knowledge of art and the art market.

Each session will include an illustrated talk, using both projected images and original works of art, with opportunity for questions and general discussion.

Participants will learn about the language of art, visual perception, movement and style, art in the marketplace and the role of public and commercial galleries.

Exploring Art takes place Mondays, 6:30-8:30 p.m., beginning April 4 at the downtown location. Cost is $123; $108/members.

Linda Findlay leads a workshop for absolute beginners in drawing – people who always wanted to draw but have no idea where to start.

Findlay helps participants build confidence by teaching different drawing mediums and techniques through a series of fun drawing exercises. She plans to cover charcoal and graphite and the techniques best suited to that medium.

The Absolute Beginner Drawing workshop runs April 16, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the campus location on Fifth Street.

Cost is $75; $65/members. Supplies are included.

For more information and biography information on all instructors, please visit

Nanaimo News Bulletin