Gallery Shows

A short list of the galleries in Sooke and area which have ongoing art exhibitions

Gallery West/South Shore Gallery

2046 Otter Point Road



Matt Lambert and Mary E. Coakley show photographs at the gallery located behind the South Shore Gallery. The show runs until August 22. A variety of other artists and craftspeople continually show their work in the South Shore Gallery.


Sooke Fine Arts Gallery

2016 Sheilds Road



The work of Michel and Simon Desrochers is on display and for sale.


Metchosin Art Gallery

4495 Happy Valley Road



Eclectica – Expressionist Perspectives: Works in ceramics from Sooke artist Sharon Brussard-Grove and painters Suzanne Jensen and James Roberts. Show continues to September 1.


Sooke Harbour House

1528 Whiffen Spit Road



This month features Desiree Bond with  original acrylic on canvas.

The gallery at the Sooke Harbour House has art shows while the entire inn features the work of numerous artists from the area and beyond.


Stinking Fish Studio Tour

The Stinking Fish Studio Tour is a self-guided tour to the studios of artists in the Sooke, East Sooke and Metchosin area. Go to: for a list of artists and maps to their studios.


Sooke News Mirror