The Georgia Strait Big Band specializes in music that is eminently danceable. Georgia Strait Big Band photos

The Georgia Strait Big Band specializes in music that is eminently danceable. Georgia Strait Big Band photos

Georgia Strait Big Band at Simms Park Sunday

Experience the high energy sound of Georgia Strait Big Band on Sunday July 8t at 7:00 p.m.

Experience the high energy sound of Georgia Strait Big Band on Sunday July 8t at 7:00 p.m.

This free concert takes place at Courtenay Simms Millennium Park and is hosted by the City of Courtenay.

The Georgia Strait Big Band specializes in music that is eminently danceable. Tap your toes to fox-trot, swing, tango, cha-cha, bolero, and rhumba. The band showcases accomplished valley musicians as well as singer Jackie Zbirun fronting the band with her own unique vocal style.

The band is led by Greg Bush, Professor of the Jazz Program at Vancouver Island University, musician, arranger and composer.

Simms Millennium Park is located by the 5th Street Bridge and across from Lewis Park. Please bring your own lawnchair or blanket.

Other featured Simms Park performances on Sundays at 7 p.m. include Zandhunga on July 22, CYMC on July 29, Songwriters Circle on August 12, The Olsen Bros Band on August 19, and Pure Petty on August 26.

The Simms Summer Concert Series season is sponsored by the Comox Valley Record, The Goat 98.9 FM, What’s On Comox Valley and the City of Courtenay.

For concert information, call the Courtenay Recreation Lewis Centre at 250-338-5371 or get updates at

Comox Valley Record