The Great Sookeini Race ramp is ready for testing.

The Great Sookeini Race ramp is ready for testing.

Get some wheels on that zucchini

Great Sookini Race is being held at the fall fair this weekend

We have here, at Mrs. Lewers’ Farmhouse, the Sookeini Racetrack, which is being sponsored this year, by Yateman Automotive at Saseenos Shell station.

The track is set up for those who would like to try out their cars on the track for size with zucchini  for test runs.

Please call ahead at 250-812-2830.

Cars should be no higher than 11 1/2 inches and no wider than 9 3/8 at the outside of the wheels. Make sure your vehicles are tough enough to withstand a long ride of about 30 feet.

There will be several awards for creativity, speed — of course —size and more. Be creative with design, making sure the height and width requirements are met.

Please call to view the track to help you with your design. There is no entry fee but pre-registration is recommended.

On August 31, there will be a Sooke Fall Fair Market at the Sooke Community Hall dining room where you can register your car or/and your entries for Our First 100 Years, Fall Fair on Sept. 7  and 8.

Sookeini race to take place on Saturday, September 7 at 3 p.m. outside of the Community Hall. See you there.

Submitted by Ellen Lewers -Vice president SFF

Sooke News Mirror