Vernon hip hop artist Immaculate (Julian Wolansky) is in the spotlight this week as part of The Morning Star’s Getting to Know feature.

Vernon hip hop artist Immaculate (Julian Wolansky) is in the spotlight this week as part of The Morning Star’s Getting to Know feature.

Getting to know: Immaculate

Immaculate, aka Julian Wolansky, a Vernon-raised musician who has been making a name for himself as a fast-rhyming hip hop MC.


Special to The Morning Star

This week’s Getting to Know is on Immaculate, aka Julian Wolansky, a Vernon-raised musician who has been making a name for himself as a fast-rhyming hip hop MC.

Most recently, he was named Artist of the Year at the 2015 Vancouver Island Music Awards and was nominated for Rap/Hip-Hop Recording of the Year at the Western Canadian Music Awards for his 2014 full-length album Solitude.

Q: What was your reaction to finding out that you won Artist of the Year at the 2015 Vancouver Island Music Awards?

A: “I was actually nominated for three awards but I didn’t think that this would be the one that I’d win. It was the final award given out at the end of the night and I was a little discouraged the others had come and gone, so I was surprised and humbled by the honour and the response from the audience was pretty surreal. In that moment, I was inspired and excited.”

Q:  Describe your music in three words.

A: “Relatable. Honest. Evolving.

Q:  How did you get your start with music?

A: “I was first introduced to hip hop in Grade 9 when a friend who was into rapping encouraged me to write lyrics with him after school one day while listening to Jedi Mind Tricks. We soon formed a group called Underground Assassins, which included me, Kodiak and Infatuate. We mostly freestyled at parties and recorded snippets on a desktop computer mic to play back for ourselves. A year later, in Grade 10, I had a substitute teacher in English class who encouraged and allowed me to write my essays in the form of raps. I would then record my song and play it for the class. She rewarded me with As. She was the reason I started taking the creation of my music more seriously and why I still strive for a positive message and poetic style.”

Q: What’s the best decision you’ve ever made?

A: “Never giving up on the pursuit of something that truly makes me happy. I don’t believe in conforming to society’s pressures and limitations, which is why I live cheque to cheque, but at the same time have something of true value that costs nothing to make, share and enjoy.”

Q: Who would your dream collaboration be with?

A:“As obvious as it seems, I would choose Eminem because of the supreme challenge it would present. To match his intensity, complexity and message would bring out the best in me.”

Q:  What is the best thing about your life?

A: “Music.”

Q: What is your favourite song to perform live?

A: “The Kill, a song that was never released officially because of sampling issues, but one that often gets the best response while performing and also by way of e-mails and messages after shows with people asking what song that was and where to get it – telling me how hard it hit them.”

Q:  What was the first album that you ever purchased?

A: “I’m going to skip right over the embarrassing ones that don’t count and say… Jedi Mind Tricks – Legacy of Blood.

Q: Where does the inspiration for your music come from?

A: “Absolutely anywhere and from anything that lends itself to me: emotions, experiences, relationships, tragedy, culture… the world around me. Inspiration is a fickle thing, and not something I’ve mastered capturing in a bottle. It’s an ongoing battle, but one well worth fighting everyday in attempt to make a great song.”

Ed note: After a brief hiatus, The Morning Star continues with its special feature, Getting to Know, featuring Q and As with local musicians conducted by Kalamalka Secondary School grad Aniko Forgo.



Vernon Morning Star