“Gifts” show highlights work by talented artist

Robin says, “Being a painter has opened my eyes. What did I see before? I don’t know."

This stylized painting of flowers is just one of the works by Robin Walker that is on display at Dutch Lake Community Centre.

This stylized painting of flowers is just one of the works by Robin Walker that is on display at Dutch Lake Community Centre.

The title of Robin Walker’s first solo exhibition came easily to her with the awareness that her paintings are the fruit of the multitude of gifts given to her.

Robin’s first 20 years were spent in California where she was surrounded by beautiful scenery, influenced by a wonderful art teacher and given the opportunity to delve into many art mediums. “At graduation, received the “Sword and Shield” art award. After school she worked full time in a pottery studio.

In 1983 she met and married Tim, a Canadian, and moved to B.C. While adjusting to Canadian life she was asked to illustrate a First Nations storybook. The following 25 years Robin was busy raising and educating their five children and working in Venezuela for 10 years in the rain forest.

In 2004 Robin and her family moved to Clearwater and quickly began to enjoy the wonderful place and people. Slowly, she was able to spend more serious time on photography and oil painting (freedom and time – huge gifts!). Her husband saw her painting on the carpet in the living room and decided to build her an art studio. It is one of Robin’s favorite places and is a constant reminder of another gift given to her.

Robin says, “Being a painter has opened my eyes. What did I see before? I don’t know. I find it hard to go outside and not be awestruck by the beauty of the natural world.”

“Photography and painting are so wonderful because they capture a moment, never to be experienced again and you’re saying, ‘Look, I see!’”

This collection of oil paintings is inspired by scenes mostly from Robin’s own backyard, nearby trails, camping trips and time spent in the U.S., Mexico and Venezuela.

Walker’s exhibition will be held March 31 – April 25, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. in the North Thompson Art Council’s Gallery in Dutch Lake Community Centre.


Clearwater Times