The Wife is the first movie to show at Film Kicks on October 18 at the Golden Cinema, beginning at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are available at the Art Gallery of Golden before the show, or at the cinema on the night of the showing. Graeme Hunter Pictures photo

The Wife is the first movie to show at Film Kicks on October 18 at the Golden Cinema, beginning at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are available at the Art Gallery of Golden before the show, or at the cinema on the night of the showing. Graeme Hunter Pictures photo

Golden Cinema hosts Film Kicks movies

Each year, Kicking Horse Culture and a group of volunteers carefully select a number of films to show at the Golden Cinema for movie buffs.

Each year, Kicking Horse Culture and a group of volunteers carefully select a number of films to show at the Golden Cinema for movie buffs.

The films are wide in range, and offer a little bit of something for everyone, focusing on creative and unique films people wouldn’t regularly see at the cinema.

The first Film Kicks shows The Wife on October 18 at 7:30 p.m. Starring Glenn Close, Jonathan Pryce, Christian Slater, and Max Irons, the 2017 film is about Joan Castleman, a woman who spends 40 years doting after her charismatic husband Joe.

Their marriage is relatively one sided, as Joe is a talented writer, and Joan ignores his faults and excuses it as his artistic integrity. Finally, she has had enough of ignoring her own dreams and ambitions. On the night Joe is set to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature, she sets out to confront the secrets of his career. The movie is described as a poignant, funny, and emotional journey.

The next film shows on November 15. Don’t Worry, He Won’t Get Far on Foot stars Joaquin Phoenix, Rooney Mara, and Jonah Hill. John Callahan drinks too much, and ends up in a car accident. Despite his strong wishes to continue drinking his life away, he ends up going to rehab for his problems with the support of his girlfriend, and a sponsor. While he’s there, he realizes his talent for drawing newspaper cartoons that gain him a huge following and changes his life for the better.

Don’t Worry, He Won’t Get Far on Foot is based on a true story, and is adapted from Callahan’s autobiography and is directed by Gus Van Sant.

Jack Black, Carrie Brownstein, Beth Ditto and Kim Gordon also make appearances throughout the movie.

Later that month, Kicking Horse Culture brings in Colette, a movie about a successful Parisian writer. Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette moves from her rural home in France to the busy and artistic city of Paris. She is convinced to do some writing for a man, and crafts a novel about a country girl named Claudine. The novel becomes a best seller, and the two writers become celebrities in Paris, spurring more Claudine novels. The movie shows Colette’s struggled with creative ownership, gender roles, and societal constraints. Directed by Wash Westmoreland.

Each of the movies begins at 7:30 p.m. at the Golden Cinema. Advanced tickets are available at the Art Gallery of Golden.

Golden Star