GRAPEVINE: Market on Friday

Last market of the season Friday from 10 - 2 on the Esplanade.


• Friday, Local 480 Hall, 5 p.m. for the 9th Annual Trail Alliance Church Thanksgiving Dinner. Everyone welcome for turkey and all the trimmings.

• Friday, Trail Market on the Esplanade goes from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Vendors, good eats and more.


• VISAC Gallery showing multi-artist exhibit featuring Atomic Sculptures by Howard Roo, metal worker and sculptor; joined by Tova Main, painter; and Rhandi Standford, illustrator. Show runs until Oct. 14. Community invited to see the gallery’s new look and learn about new fall programs and events. For information call Director Kristin Renn, 364.1181.


• Oct. 17, Cominco gym 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. for Mothers Unite Garage Sale. Giant indoor sale of all items suitable for children from newborns to 12-year-olds. Call Trail Parks and Rec to rent table, 364.0888. Free entry for public to shop.

• Oct. 17, gathering space in Rossland Sacred Heart from 1-3 p.m. the CWL will be hosting a Fall Tea and Bazaar. Cost is $4.00.  Everyone welcome, includes a Country Store, Bake Table, and door prizes.

• Oct. 18, Rossland Miners Hall, 7 p.m. for Joe Hill Coffee House. Final two shows, Nov. 15, and Dec. 20.

• Oct. 18, Royal Theatre, 4:30 p.m. Sunday Cinema presents Amy. Incredible story of six-time Grammy-winner Amy Winehouse, in her own words.

• Oct. 20, Charles Bailey Theatre, Trail Society for the Performing Arts will present James & Jamesy’s British comedy 2 for Tea.

• Oct. 24, Rossland Miners Hall, at 7 p.m. for the John Welsh Band. Blend of Folk, Surf Rock, Reggae, and Latin music. Performance hosted by Rossland Council for Arts and Culture.

• Oct. 31, Trail Memorial Centre, free Halloween skate. Kids rink, disco ball, fog machine strobe lights and laser beams.

• Nov. 14, Rossland Miners Hall, doors open at 7 p.m. for the Tequila Mockingbird Orchestra. Rossland council for Arts and Culture presents bluegrass, and roots music with influences from Flamenco and African percussion.

• Jan. 22, Rossland Miners Hall, doors open at 7 p.m. for Remi Bolduc Jazz Ensemble. An evening of Jazz in tribute to Dave Brubeck.

Trail Daily Times