Grease makes comeback on Sooke stage

Schools to perform Grease on June 6, 7, 8 and 9

Tell me about it, Sooke.

EMCS and Journey Middle School are joining forces to recreate the famous 1978 musical, Grease.

Since 2003, the schools have been writing their own plays to perform each year, aside from doing Grease in 2008.

“This is our 10th year anniversary since performing Grease, and this year is also the 40th anniversary of the movie so we thought it would be fun to do it again,” said Jill Fader, the play’s director.

Grease is being directed by three other people as well: Lisa McLellan, Becky Bishop and Trevor Smith.

Smith is a graduate of EMCS who played a role in the 2008 Grease. He is now doing his university practicum with EMCS, and hopes to teach theatre when he graduates.

“When I heard they were doing Grease again I just had to get involved,” said Smith. “Theatre doesn’t seem to be as popular with youth anymore, so it’s nice to see here in Sooke that so many students still love to sing, dance and act.”

This year’s show has been a collaborative effort, with welding students helping make stage equipment, videography students creating videos for between scenes, fine arts students making the backgrounds and props, and some students have even choreographed dance numbers and developed scenes.

“It just makes the whole show that much more special, knowing how many people put their hearts into it,” said Smith. “The show is very high energy, and full of amazing talent and wonderful singing.”

Approximately 70 kids are singing and acting in the musical, from grades six to 12.

The show runs on June 6, 7 and 8 at 7 p.m. and on June 9 at 2 p.m. at the EMCS Theatre. Tickets cost $10 and can be purchased in advance at Shoppers Drug Mart, Journey Middle School or the EMCS office, or can also be purchased at the door.

Sooke News Mirror