Greek Riots bringing energetic show to Fernie’s Northern Bar & Stage on Nov. 4

This band combines their lighthearted and goofy approach with their punk/rock influences to create a fast, energetic and loud show.

The Northern will be host to Greek Riots on Nov. 4. This band combines their lighthearted and goofy approach with their punk/rock influences to create a fast, energetic and loud show. A guitarist for the band, Jacques Richer said, “You really just have to come see us live to see what I’m talking about.”

Richer has been playing shows since he was 14 but this will be the first real tour for the guitarist.

“I personally started playing live shows around Winnipeg when I was around 14 with punk bands and acoustic acts. To be honest this upcoming tour is the first real tour we’ve done as a band. I think I’ve always kind of thought of a career in music,” he said. “Growing up I was always surrounded by it. I come from a very musically-inclined family. I remember going to see my uncle’s band – Ard-Dri, a celtic band, for anyone who’s curious – play shows around town when I was much younger, and as the curious six-year-old I was, asking them how I could start my own band. They told me it was never too early or too late to start a career in music and ever since then I’ve been picking up instruments and trying to write my own music.”

While the band has not been around a long time, Richer along with lead guitarist and back-up vocals, Duncan Murta have played together in another band.

“We actually had played together in a previous band called S.A.T. before deciding to form Greek Riots. We founded the band together originally. Next up we have Breandan Waddell-Flynn playing synth, keyboard and doing backup vocals. He’s actually a classically trained pianist as well, which is always nice to have in the cards,” said Richer. “Seamus Hamilton-Pattison – boy, there’s a lot of Irish names in our band – is our bass player. He had actually filled in on bass for a couple shows with S.A.T. for Duncan and I, and when we were putting together the band he was the obvious choice for us. Finally we have Stefan St. Godard who is the newest addition to Greek Riots. He plays the drums. He and Seamus actually grew up together and have been friends for years.”

Greek Riots have not played in Fernie, but some of the band members have been through the area.

“You guys have had some great bands come from here – Shred Kelly is a personal favourite,” said Richer. “We’re actually touring to support a new single we’re releasing called Tourist Town. It will be appearing on an EP we’re going to finish recording and subsequently release when we get back from tour.”

As for the bands accomplishments so far, Richer believes it is who he has shared stages with.

“We’ve gotten to play with a couple of pretty great bands here in Winnipeg, such as the Canadian punk rock groups Seaway, and The Dirty Nil, as well as the California punk group SWMRS when they passed through touring for their newest album Drive North,” he said. “Those were all really cool, fun shows to be a part of.”

Tickets will be available at the door, the band can be found online at

“We’re really looking forward to coming to Fernie. We hope people will come down and share the experience with us and hopefully leave with a new favourite band and some cool new pals,” said Richer. “Feel free to come chat with us after a show. Fair warning if you do: Seamus does bite, but he’s still young and we think he’ll grow out of it soon.”

The Free Press