Group exhibit of works on paper opens in Cumberland art studio

The exhibit, curated by Studio B’s resident curator Sonia Stastny, opens on Friday, Sept. 23 with a reception from 7-11 p.m.

Studio B Gallery presents an exhibit entitled “Paper Cuts” of art by Beth Borsato, Sophie Gilmore, Tasha Hefford and Clive Powsey.

The exhibit, curated by Studio B’s resident curator Sonia Stastny, opens on Friday, Sept. 23 with a reception from 7-11 p.m.

Paper Cuts is a group exhibition exploring art on paper, whether it be in ink, print or watercolour. At first glance simple and unassuming, the often under-appreciated medium of paper can be a vehicle of complex ideas and a window into the artist’s practice.  Whereas paint can be layered and stripped away to achieve a certain effect (often using many processes including digital alterations), paper is an intrinsically unforgiving medium and can be in some ways thought of as “vulnerable”, revealing the artistic process with all of its nuances and experiments;­ in other words, the final product reveals the entire journey.

In Paper Cuts, four artists experiment with paper, and various materials, producing a variety of effects, all revolving around the human experience and how we witness the world around us.

Borsato and Gilmore, both local artists exhibiting with Studio B Gallery for the first time, offer close­-ups and snapshots of the human figure and all of its wonderful imperfections.

Tasha Hefford, a Vancouver artist, is interested in the blurred co­-existence of our virtual selves created via social media and our “real” physical selves. She portrays all this in her surreal ink drawings with washes of acrylic, watercolour and gouache.

Clive Powsey, a seasoned local artist, continues to explore existential questions found in the catacombs of the human psyche in his prints incorporating collage, old sketches and trilobites.

Studio B Gallery is located at 2704 Dunsmuir Ave. in Cumberland.

The show runs until Nov. 26.


Collage workshops

In Spring 2016, Studio B Gallery hosted another successful series of Collage Nights – drop-in sessions open to anyone and everyone interested in the art of collage-making. Highly popular, collage workshops will be available through the Cumberland Community School Society and the Comox Valley Art Gallery this fall. For updates on events and workshops, please visit the guild’s website at

Comox Valley Record