Bill Bourne, master guitar player and story-teller, put on a fine show at Silverton Gallery last Friday May 2.

Bill Bourne, master guitar player and story-teller, put on a fine show at Silverton Gallery last Friday May 2.

Guitarist Bill Bourne entertains audience at Silverton Gallery

We-striking acoustic guitar work accompanied by an equally beautiful and haunting voice, Bill Bourne.

Derek Kaye

Arrow Lakes News

The Silverton Gallery struck  it rich last Friday May 2 with a performance by country blues artist Bill Bourne.

With stories between songs that humoured the audience almost as way to release the steam from the awe-striking acoustic guitar work accompanied by an equally beautiful and haunting voice, Bill Bourne left one with a sense of wonderment as to how he does it.

Alternating between vintage Gibson and Martin guitars he strummed and claw finger-picked at an alarming speed and rhythm.

It was as much a learning experience into something quite like never before seen or heard as it was an enjoyable and uplifting performance.

On the bill last Friday was opener Alan Kirk accompanied by a stand-up bass player. This local artist with self-produced CDs and a label looking for fresh Kootenay talent, appeared comfortable on stage playing acoustic  dressed down versions of his songs. Kirk, who is a notable songwriter with success in North America and Europe, had organized this mini Bill Bourne tour through the Kootenays.

Bill Bourne took this most lucky of audience down the backroads of Mississippi.

He told stories of growing up with cold feet and having to work in fields on the farm, but eventually finding salvation in a pair of warm boots.

But his most interesting of accounts were of his time surrounded by fluid in the amniotic sac of his Mother listening to music.

With the audience now bemused Bourne would go into a reggae, raggy, bluesy number so original and unique but heartfelt that even the wildest of his stories now seemed plausible.

The Silverton Gallery represents one of the most classy and down to earth places of performance and art.


Arrow Lakes News