The fun-loving quartet, known as Celtic Chaos prepares to entertain the masses at the next house concert, April 5.

The fun-loving quartet, known as Celtic Chaos prepares to entertain the masses at the next house concert, April 5.

Have a jolly good time with Celtic Chaos

Gardeners Green Folk Club is pleased to announce its next house concert on Saturday April 5

Gardeners Green Folk Club is pleased to announce its next house concert on Saturday April 5.

The performers will be Qualicum band Celtic Chaos.

These fun-loving folks play soulful fiddle, sweet accordion, Irish flute, and grooving bass. Add to that heartwarming vocals, stories, and poems with a Scottish twist, and you have an original, contemporary take on traditional entertainment from the lands of the Celts and beyond.

As those who saw them at Gardeners Green two years ago will well remember, they kept us laughing, singing along and tapping our feet all evening, and everyone went home with spirits lifted and smiles on their faces.

No wonder Celtic Chaos are known for their infectious good humour, high energy, and engaging performances.

Celtic Chaos have just released their new CD, Puredeadbrilliant, which captures the essence of a live performance.

Tickets are $20 each and include hot drinks and a dessert buffet.  Tickets must be reserved in advance and seating is limited.

For more information, and to reserve tickets, call 250-337-5337.

Campbell River Mirror