Heads-up to artists: Alternator taking applications

If you are an artist who needs a studio space the Alternator Gallery wants to hear from you.

If you are an artist who needs a studio space to work in and are interested in developing new ways to engage the community, the Alternator Gallery wants to hear from you.

The Artist Co-op program at the Alternator allows access to a dedicated studio space for emerging artists and designers interested in a concentrated period of community-focused arts practice. Space is available for periods from one to three months depending on the proposal.

Successful applicants will share the costs of hosting the co-op and will be responsible for contributing $250/month towards the program costs.

Proposals should include details on how the use of Alterantor Artist Co-op studio space will impact your professional practice and a summary of ways you would like to engage the public as part of the program. This may be as part of a community art project, public art project, the inclusion of open studio days or artists talks which will contribute to the Alternator programming.

To apply for the Alternator Artist Co-op, please submit the following:

• A brief description (maximum 500 words) clearly outlining how the use of Alterantor Artist Co-op studio space will impact your professional practice and a summary of ways the you would like to engage the public as part of the program

• Artist statement (maximum 200 words)

• Curriculum vitae

• 5-7 images with an image list detailing medium and size

Submissions for the Alternator Artist Co-op are accepted online only. Please email your submssion to info@alternatorgallery.com with ‘Artist Co-op Proposal’ in the subject line.

The application deadline is May 30.

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