Health and wellness inspire artist

Stress management and healthy expression is a critical piece of wellness that Vernon artist Robert Kingswood both supports and practises.

Robert Kingswood's Light Study on Snow.

Robert Kingswood's Light Study on Snow.

As a regulated health care professional, using art as a means of stress management and healthy expression is a critical piece of wellness that local Robert Kingswood both supports and practises.

“Exposure to art and involvement in artistic expression feeds a critical piece in the health of one’s mind, body, spirit,” said Kingswood, who is showing his own art at the Bean to Cup Downstairs Gallery. “When this is in balance, we support wellness of individuals and build community, feeding a healthy society.

“Expression through visual art, in its many forms, encourages healthy enjoyment, and encourages a balanced understanding of self to grow. Exposure to art or involvement in art should be a part of every person’s healthy lifestyle.”

Bean to Cup invites the public to experience Kingswood’s artistic expression with his new show, Light Series, at an opening night reception Wednesday from 7 to 9 p.m. Meet the artist, and enjoy a few sweet treats.

A portion of all food and drink sold this evening at Bean to Cup will be donated to Kindale Developmental Association.


Vernon Morning Star