Hear ye, hear ye! Chilliwack Symphony Orchestra serves up Noteable Feast

The CSO will be stepping back into history with its Renaissance and medieval themed fundraiser, Noteable Feast on Feb. 11.

Lute player, Guzmán Ramos, will perform during Noteable Feast.

Lute player, Guzmán Ramos, will perform during Noteable Feast.

The Chilliwack Symphony Orchestra will be stepping back into history with its Renaissance and medieval themed fundraiser, Noteable Feast on Feb. 11.

It’s the largest annual fundraiser for the CSO and it will bring together music, entertainment, and a very large feast that night at Squiala Hall.

“We are really excited because it’s different this year — different venue, different theme, and lots of food,” says CSO conductor Paula DeWit.

It really will be a feast, she says.

Amid the 14th to 16th century-themed decorations of burgundies, greens, fruit and copper, will be tables and tables of food.

Guests will be treated to a full medieval-inspired meal, featuring three fire-roasted carveries: roast wild boar, roast beef, and turkey. As well, there will be a full buffet of sumptuous appetizers and accompanying dishes.

Soup will be served without spoons in French onion soup bowls with handles. The CSO is currently looking for about 30 more donations of handled soup bowls.

While guests sip their soup, they will dine to the sounds of lutenist Guzmán Ramos from Vancouver.

Born in Spain, Ramos is currently the classical guitar and lute instructor at Douglas College in New Westminster. He has participated in numerous medieval, Renaissance and baroque music events.

Also performing that night will be the CSO String Trio, plus guests will be entertained by Renaissance music sung by the celebrated Belle Voci. Some unusual and hilarious songs from the era are planned, and will include a few medieval surprises.

“We’re going to do a couple of sing-alongs,” adds DeWit. “It’s going to be fun.”

Rounding out the entertainment for the evening will be a half-hour Renaissance reenactment featuring Captain Charity and Firstman Cobbs from Times Past Entertainment out of Burnaby. The two will bring metal swords, costumes, and a lively show to Noteable Feast.

Founding member of UFV’s theatre department, Ian Fenwick, will also be in attendance taking on the role of the King.

“By order of King Ian Fenwick, we declare you must attend the Noteable Feast,” says DeWit.

In addition, there will be a live auction during the evening.

Noteable Feast brought in $4,000 last year, and they’re hoping to raise $10,000 this year.

Without these funds, the CSO would not be able to operate.

“Your attendance at this feast serves to support the cause of live music and culture in the Fraser Valley, and enables us to perform the innovative and ever-grander shows to which we aspire,” says DeWit. “Without your support at this event, we would not be able to put on the concerts that we love.”

All are welcome to attend in costume, and there will be a special prize for best costume of the night.

Of the 150 tickets available, half of them have already sold.

Tickets are $75 and are available at Envision Financial (45840 Cheam Ave.), King’s Music Ltd. (45450 Luckakuck Way), and Chilliwack Christian Assembly (46510 First Ave.). Tickets are also available by calling 604-795-0521, or online at chilliwacksymphony.com.

Those wishing to donate French onion soup bowls can call the same number.

Noteable Feast takes place Saturday, Feb. 11 at Squiala Hall (45005 Squiala Rd.) at 6 p.m.


Chilliwack Progress