Heritage Players perform outdoor play at the Grist Mill

“Dirty Work at the Stopping Place” played to audiences outdoors Sunday May 11

lam Wills plays the stalwart, Tracy Jones, as he charms the lovely Violet Dove, played by Maggie MacDonald in The Heritage Players’  “Dirty Work at The Stopping Place”.

lam Wills plays the stalwart, Tracy Jones, as he charms the lovely Violet Dove, played by Maggie MacDonald in The Heritage Players’ “Dirty Work at The Stopping Place”.


“Dirty Work at the Stopping Place”  played to audiences outdoors Sunday May 11 and Sunday May 18 at The Keremeos Grist Mill and Gardens.

The Heritage Players have re-fashioned and performed the late Victorian melodrama as their first venture.

The amateur theatre ensemble formed this spring to bring old time entertainment to audiences at The Grist Mill and at other venues in the Similkameen and South Okanagan.

They intend to add short  musical pieces, dance, poetry and spoof to the mix as they move through to the Summer season

We’re a partnership of Similkameen Family Literacy and The Grist Mill Heritage Club”, says troupe coordinator, Dave Cursons of Cawston.

The Heritage Club is a committee of the non-profit Grist Mill Foundation and Similkameen Family Literacy is partly funded with BC Gaming Proceeds.

The Heritage Players are available to perform for free, just  asking for a donation to defray travel costs.  The theatrical troupe presently consists of eight members and is putting out the call  for more recruits.

“We’d like each member to be able to step into a couple of acting roles as well as helping backstage”, says Cursons, who adds that the troupe will be looking for other short pieces with some historical elements that relate to the Similkameen Valley.  Local playwrights are welcome to offer their work.

Contact number for the Heritage Players is 250-499-5417.








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