Get to know your wacky neighbours on August 15 when the 46th annual Hi Neighbour Day takes over the Errington Hall and community park.

Get to know your wacky neighbours on August 15 when the 46th annual Hi Neighbour Day takes over the Errington Hall and community park.

Hi Neighbour Day marks 100th birthday of park

'Silliness' is a big part of the annual event, featuring the world's shortest parade and costumes galore

Neighbours and friends in Errington are getting together on Saturday, Aug. 15 to celebrate the community and raise funds for the Errington War Memorial Hall.

Hi Neighbour Day in Errington is always a fun filled day for the entire family and this year there is even more to celebrate.

This year marks the 46th annual event and plans are in the works to also highlight the 100th birthday of the Errington Community Park. Trails running through the park have been resurfaced and it is hoped there will be news signs for the trails by August 15.

Organizer Bob Herbison said most of their regular activities are scheduled but they also want to commemorate the pioneers who helped build the community park in 1915.

New this year will be a skit called the People of the Past that will be played out on the outdoor stage at the farmers market.

Herbison said hey have people who will be dressed in period costume representing some of the pioneers who cleared the land that is now the park.

He said a few kids will have some parts in the historical play which will feature some of the people that had many roads in Errington named after them.

“There will be some bits, a little music and some silliness. The historical figures will be performed by the adults and include figures like Wilson Braddock, Dolly Butler, Lawrence Ware,  George Buttery the old postmaster and Williams Morrison who has a creek named after him,” said Herbison.

He said there were more than 50 volunteers who helped clear the land for a tennis court in 1915 and many of Errington’s street names are based on those people who settled in the area 100 years ago.

“They made four tennis courts.  That was the start of the park. It was the first thing Errington people did.  It was during the war and the park was to be for soldiers to play tennis and be open to the public as well,” he explained.

He said a lot has happened in the park since the days when women played tennis in dresses.

Unfortunately the Greater Errington Zucchini Race won’t be part of the festivities this year.

Herbison said last year there were so many people watching the soap box derby for zucchinis with wheels they decided it really needs to be scheduled on a separate day.

“The zucchini race will happen on Saturday, over the labour day weekend,” he assured.

One thing that remains the same is the Hi Neighbour Parade.

Considered to be the world’s shortest, it begins at 12:30 p.m. and makes its way from the old elementary school site around the corner and down Errington Road to the hall.

The day starts with a pancake breakfast in the Errington War Memorial Hall served up by members of the Errington Volunteer Fire Department.

The arts and crafts show next door will feature a room full of creations made by people who call Errington home.

The farmers market will be full of vendors and the playing field will have games galore hosted by volunteers from the RDN recreation department.

The silent auction, which is used to be held inside the hall, will now move to the market area and will be closed at 1:15 p.m.

Herbison said there will be no live auction this year.

When the silent auction wraps up there will be a variety show starting at 1:30 p.m. as well as the history pageant.

The finishes at 8 p.m. with the Hi Neighbour dance featuring the Night at the Palace band. Herbison said this year they have a dance couple coming to teach swing to people at 7 p.m. so if you have a ticket to the dance you can learn swing.

Tickets for the all-ages dance can be purchased at Cranky Dog Music in Parksville, Heaven on Earth in Qualicum Beach or the Errington General Store for $20. Kids tickets at the door.

Parksville Qualicum Beach News