‘Highgate’ offers fresh take on death

'Highgate' is a theatre and dance performance about Victorian funerary culture playing Saturday in Smithers.

Highgate is a theatre and dance performance about Victorian funerary culture.

Highgate is a theatre and dance performance about Victorian funerary culture.

It is a fate that befalls us all, as much a part of life as birth: death.

Highgate invites patrons to take a fresh look at death with the Tara Cheyenne Performance’s sense of humour, in-depth exploration of grief, physical oddity and poignant imagery. Five dancer/actors will give their spin on Victorian funerary culture.

“This is not to be missed. You will be captivated and enter a new world that is somehow dark, funny and beautiful all at once,” said BVCA president Miriam Colvin.

The performance is the second show of the Bulkley Valley Concert Association’s (BVCA) season. Colvin said Tara Cheyenne Friedenburg, whose Goggles performance was here in 2012, would also be giving an acting workshop Sunday as part of a series of events and displays surrounding the show.

One-liners that give some levity on death are being postered up around town this weekend. Keep an eye open for local musicians who are also performing on Main Street and at the post office this week as part of the lead up to the show.


Saturday, Nov. 8, 7:30 p.m.

Della Herman Theatre

Tickets at Mountain Eagle Books: $25/Adult, $20/ Senior, $16/Student

Workshop with Tara Cheyenne Friedenburg:

Sunday, Nov. 9, 1-2:45 p.m.

Creative Roots Studio (2nd Ave. and Main St.)

Character creation and exploration from movement and text-with an eye to the fabulous strangeness lurking in all of us. Open to actors, dancers, musicians, writers, closeted performers of all kinds. Wear comfortable clothes you can move in. Silliness welcome! Ages 15 years and up, all abilities. Suggested donation $1-5.  For more info and preregistration: bvconcertassociation@gmail.com.

Smithers Interior News