Samantha Scott performs a couple songs solo before having Tomek and Dunbar join her.

Samantha Scott performs a couple songs solo before having Tomek and Dunbar join her.

Homey house concert

It was another cosy house concert care of MoM on Monday, Oct. 28.

It was another cosy house concert care of MoM on Monday, Oct. 28.

Scott Dunbar, Samantha Scott and (first-timer to Fort St. James) Tereza Tomek performed to a small audience of music lovers.

Music on the Mountain (MoM) founders Lionel and Rosemarie Conant hosted the acoustic event.

There was a fire burning in the corner, chairs arranged close to the performers and even some delicious snacks of bread, cheese, crackers and olives to keep the crowd content.

The lighting is always low, the crowd always diverse yet small and the atmosphere always friendly at the MoM house concerts, and this was no exception.

Dunbar did some powerful laments, Samantha Scott wowed with her wicked vocals  and a Monday was made amenable.

There was even a filmmaker documenting some of the night, as part of a project called “A Line in the Sand.”

The documentary film will include interviews with activists along the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline project, which would run through the Necoslie River valley, where the concert was held.


Caledonia Courier