Ryan Oakley, creator of Humans of Nelson, captures one of his subjects.

Ryan Oakley, creator of Humans of Nelson, captures one of his subjects.

Humans of Nelson reaches Kickstarter goal

Local photographer Ryan Oakley has successfully raised the $10,000 necessary to convert his popular Facebook page into a book.

Humans of Nelson will soon be a book.

Local photographer Ryan Oakley, who recently launched a Kickstarter campaign to convert his popular Facebook page and website into a book, has reached his $10,000 goal as of August 21.

“This may be shocking to hear – but not every Kickstarter campaign meets its goal. In fact, the success rate is around 40% (or lower depending on the info source),” wrote Oakley in a Facebook post.

So it was no small feat for us to rally and pull this off. I am feeling very very grateful for all the support of friends, family, and HON followers. You guys and gals are amazing.”

Oakley said more news will be coming soon about the book launch, which will happen in November.

For more information visit the Humans of Nelson Facebook page.

Nelson Star