ICBC announces art contest

ICBC has launched the Your Ad Here contest and is calling on high school students to get artistic

Students, get out those sketchpads! ICBC has launched the Your Ad Here contest and is calling on high school students to get artistic and help spread road safety messages to their peers.

Crashes remain the number one preventable cause of death among 16- to 21-year-olds. That’s why ICBC is asking students to get involved-and to encourage their classmates to get involved too-by creating a print ad about one of three road safety topics: impaired driving, speeding or distracted driving.

“We know these are preventable tragedies and young people can really help make a difference by setting an example,” said Shirley Bond, Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General. “I encourage students to become road safety ambassadors and help spread the word to their peers so they’ll think twice before taking risks behind the wheel..”

Your Ad Here is open to students in Grades 8 to 12 and runs until Jan. 9, 2012. Prizes will be awarded to the best ads on each topic and include Apple MacBooks, iPads and iPod touch devices. The school with the highest percentage of participation will win Adobe Creative Suite design software and the winning ads will be published on next year’s high school agendas in each winner’s region.





Clearwater Times