Bud Abbott (left) was received the first to ever be presented Abbott Award, for Lifetime Achievement, at the inaugural Abbott Awards ceremony celebrating Cranbrook Community Theatre, Sunday, May 27, at the Key City Theatre. Paul Kershaw (right), was presented with Director of the Year for his production of “A View From The Bridge.” Barry Coulter photos

Bud Abbott (left) was received the first to ever be presented Abbott Award, for Lifetime Achievement, at the inaugural Abbott Awards ceremony celebrating Cranbrook Community Theatre, Sunday, May 27, at the Key City Theatre. Paul Kershaw (right), was presented with Director of the Year for his production of “A View From The Bridge.” Barry Coulter photos

Inaugural Abbott Awards celebrate vibrant Cranbrook theatre scene

Cranbrook Community Theatre gala event hands out awards in a dozen categories.

The local dramatic arts was celebrated in gala fashion Sunday, May 30, at the Key City Theatre in Cranbrook

Cranbrook Community Theatre held its inaugural Abbott Awards ceremony, honouring participants in the vibrant local theatre scene and handing out awards in a dozen categories.

The Abbott Awards, named after one of Cranbrook Community Theatre’s founding members and long-time actor Bud Abbott, are individually handcrafted by local artist Rob Toller, and featured a pewter tear-dropped shaped figure atop a wooden base.

Cranbrook Community Theatre presented four plays this season, October through May. They included View From The Bridge, The Producers, Plaza Suite, and The Sunshine Boys.

The Abbott Awards were hosted by Trevor Lundy.

Bud Abbott himself received the first ever Abbott Award to be presented— for Lifetime Achievement. The award was presented by Jim Cameron, and sponsored by Golden Life Management.

Other awards:

• Favourite Supporting Actress; sponsored by Maggie Melnychuk Professional Law Corp; presented by Michael Prestwich; awarded to Emily Bohmer.

• Favourite Supporting Actor; sponsored by Kimberley Gymnastics Society; presented by Brenda Babinski; awarded to David Booth

• Favourite Set Design; sponsored by Cranbrook Flooring; presented by Elizabeth Ross; awarded to Kirsten Taylor

• Favourite Costumes; sponsored by Victoria Avenue Dental; presented by Melodie Hull; awarded to Joanne Wilkinson

• Favourite Poster; sponsored by Casey’s Greenhouses; presented by Chris Tullock; awarded to Sioban Staplin

• Favourite Newcomer; sponsored by Kootenay Therapy Center; presented by Marge Kemp; awarded to Nicole Jung

• Volunteer of the Year; sponsored by The Heidout; presented by Trevor Lundy; awarded to Kevin Higgins

• Favourite Actress; sponsored by Brook PR; presented by Bob McCue and Carter Gulseth; awarded to Michelle Hepp McCue

• Favourite Actor, sponsored by Isaac Hockley – Real Estate Professional; presented by Galen Olstead; awarded to Alexander Gilmour

• Favourite Director, sponsored by St. Eugene Golf Resort & Casino awarded to Paul Kershaw, director of View From The Bridge.

• Favourite Production, sponsored by City of Cranbrook; awarded to Galen Olstead for The Producers.

CCT took the opportunity Sunday evening to announce its upcoming 2018/19 season, which will feature three plays spaced out over the fall, winter and spring. Trevor Lundy will direct The Tin Woman, by Sean Grennan. The CCT production in October will be the Canadian premiere of the play. Michelle McCue will direct The Diary of Anne Frank (dramatization by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett) and Alexander Gilmour will direct Amigo’s Blue Guitar, a Canadian play by Joan MacLeod.

Auditions for the upcoming season will be held next month, on June 10 at 10 a.m. and June 12 at 6 p.m., at the Studio Stage Door in Cranbrook. Everyone is welcome to come try out. No experience or preparation is necessary. A monologue will be prepared for the auditionees, which they will not have to memorize. If someone wants to prepare their own monologue this year they are welcome but that monologue would have to be memorized.

Potential call-backs would be for June 13 at 6 p.m.

Cranbrook Townsman