Indie Film Fernie: Into The Forest screening on Nov. 6

The next edition of Indie Films Fernie is Into the Forest which will be screened at the Vogue Theatre on Nov. 6 at 5 p.m.


“Our next film, Into the Forest is our Canadian film for the fall season. It is a mesmerizing and powerful story about two teenage sisters who are forced to fend for themselves in a society that may be on the brink of collapse. In the not too distant future a massive North American power outage, with no end in sight, forces the sisters to contend with threats of intruders, disease, loneliness and starvation. As time passes the young women are forced to re-examine their place in the world and their relations to the land, their home, and each other,” said Chris Stockey, a volunteer for the event’s organizing group. “This film is rated R.” Stockey explains that the type of films that are chosen tend to be in the documentary, Canadian, foreign and blockbuster genres.

“Indie Films Fernie is part of the Fernie and District Arts Council and our mission is to bring a variety of  independent films – films that are not typically financed and produced by the large studios – to Fernie.  We present four films in our Fall Series and four in our Winter Series and these films are shown at The Vogue Theatre on Sunday evenings – usually the first Sunday of the month – at 5 p.m.,” said Stockey.

Over the years, the Indie Films Fernie has garnered a strong following. “We really appreciate our loyal audience base that has supported us through the years and we typically have anywhere from 80 to 150 people at each screening,” said Stockey. Even though the event has a loyal following, the organizing group is looking to evolve the event.

“We are in the process of working with various restaurants in town on a ‘Dinner and a Movie’ promotion where each month a different restaurant would offer a promotion to customers who show their Indie Film ticket,” said Stockey.

According to Stockey, the December screening will be the series’ foreign film, Dheepan, an independent film from France. The film will be screened in French with English subtitles. “It won the Palme D’Or at Cannes and examines what happens to the millions of migrants who flee conflict zones to find a new home in the cities of the west,” said Stockey.

More information can be found through, and

“Tickets for our films are $9 for Fernie and District Arts Council members and $10 for non-members,” said Stockey. “Tickets can be bought at the door at the Vogue Theatre or online from The Arts Station website.  Our film schedule is posted on the Vogue Theatre’s website under Indie Films and on the Reel Canadian Film Festival’s website.”

The Free Press