Inspiration captured in pastels

Salmon Arm Art Gallery presents “Heart Wide Open,” a solo exhibition by pastel artist Cindy Whitehead

Salmon Arm Art Gallery presents “Heart Wide Open,” a solo exhibition by pastel artist Cindy Whitehead.

An opening reception at 7 p.m. Friday, Nov. 7 features live music and refreshments.

Whitehead’s pastel works depict the comfort and inspiration she feels at her property at Larch Hills. The marshes and ever-changing colours of the rolling hills beyond keep her mind’s eye enthralled, and her soft pastel marks provide the viewer with a light-filled glimpse of Cindy’s every-day surroundings.

The exhibition runs Nov. 8 to 28.

The Coffee Break and Artist Talk is on Thursday, Nov. 20 at 2 p.m. Enjoy coffee and cookies while in discussion with the artist about the works. Gallery hours are Tuesday to Saturday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission is by donation.


Salmon Arm Observer