The ‘Try Something New Challenge’ offers an opportunity to youth artists to expand their artistic vocabulary with a series of Instagram posts in March – and maybe win arts supplies. Contributed photo

Instagram challenge issued to youth artists

Arts supplies awarded as prize for month-long event

An Instagram challenge issued to young artists could win them a gift basket including a gift card from Opus Arts Supplies, Langley.

The ‘Try Something New Challenge” is being presented by the Youth Arts Council of Surrey (YACOS), in collaboration with the Arts Council of Surrey and Opus, to encourage young visual artists to broaden their horizons by exploring unfamiliar ideas and concepts.

During March, two art prompts will be posted each Monday on @youthartsca. Artists will have until the following Friday at noon to complete works based on these prompts and post them on Instagram.

The winning artist – and recipient of the gift basket – will be selected on Friday, April 9.

Participants must live in the Lower Mainland, and must register in to by Sunday, Feb. 28.

To be eligible to win, they must also be following @youthartsca and @artscouncilofsurrey on Instagram, and must also have completed all prompts listed for the month of March.

In addition, artists, when posting their work, must tag #youthartsca, @youthartsca, #opusdailypractice, and can also include the tags #artscouncilofsurrey, @artscouncilofsurrey and #artspot.

Peace Arch News