Ben McMath, son of local potter Julie McMath, begins the required 10,000 hours to become a master potter.

Ben McMath, son of local potter Julie McMath, begins the required 10,000 hours to become a master potter.

It’s Holiday Pottery Show time again

Show always offers a huge range of beautiful ceramic art – from functional ware to sculpture, raku and tree ornaments

The annual Holiday Pottery Sale and Show, “Light the Fire,” is coming up again this Saturday (Nov. 12) at the Sportsplex in Willow Point.

One of two November pottery sales put on by the Comox Valley Potters Club, “Light the Fire” will feature 24 regional potters showing their beautiful and unique creations this year.

The second event from the club will be held two weeks later on Nov. 26 at the Florence Filberg Centre in Courtenay.

This show always offers a huge range of beautiful ceramic art – from functional ware to sculpture, raku and tree ornaments. The array of offerings is sure to dazzle.

As always, attendance is free and the Campbell River Food Bank will be in attendance, so the public is invited to bring a non perishable food item for donation if they wish.

The show runs from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. this Saturday.

Campbell River Mirror