Jam in Jubilee launches online fundraising campaign

Summer concert series must raise full amount by March 22

The Jam in Jubilee summer concert series has launched an online fundraising campaign.

The Jam in Jubilee summer concert series has launched an online fundraising campaign.

Jam In Jubilee – a summer concert series that brings music and entertainment to the downtown park on McCallum Road – has launched an online fundraising campaign.

The series is slated to run for four Thursday nights in Jubilee Park, beginning on July 9. Organizers are currently recruiting volunteers, vendors, and performers for its three stages. They also launched a Kickstarter campaign on Feb. 22 to raise $5,000. It must receive the full amount by March 22, or the campaign will fail to secure any donations.

For the past six years, members of a youth-oriented group called the Jam In Jubilee committee have donated thousands of hours planning and executing the festival.

Their focus has been on procuring the Fraser Valley’s most exciting indie music talent for its main stage. The youth-focused yet family-friendly concert series is unique in Abbotsford, where younger music fans are often forced by a lack of performance space to seek out live music experiences in illegal, underground venues.

“The Jam In Jubilee Committee is more committed than ever to donating their time and expertise to this festival, which we believe is important community event,” said Sophia Suderman, Jam In Jubilee director. “We love connecting with the many talented and generous people who contribute to the festival as performers and donors.”

To donate to the campaign, visit http://kck.st/1FEjS1X. More information, including vendor and performer applications, can be found at www.jaminjubilee.com.

Abbotsford News